Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Status Update: Bridge On The Balcony Kwai

As you can see, there has been no actual progress on the bridge project. I think the lesson here is that one of the defining differences between software engineers and real engineers is that the software variety are incredibly lazy.

I'm not much on production, although sometimes I relish it. What I do enjoy is coming up with a thousand random ideas, waiting on my ass, and then sending everyone links when some random thing I thought of years ago comes to fruition through someone else's work. See: The Pizza Vending Machine. No, I didn't think of this specifically, but I've always told people about my idea for a fresh pasta vending machine. This vending machine took 6 million dollars and 3 years of R&D to bring to market. Sometimes letting someone else do it is the best idea.

1 comment:

Gillios said...

I just found a patent for a fresh pasta vending machine. Especially enjoyed the diagrams of various pasta shapes.

Patent Document