Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Flow State

The work day went by in a breeze. I wasn't working on anything particularly challenging but I was producing non-stop, other than a few msn distractions. After a month without work, I started to feel down. I need to produce. I'm not doing stuff that's mathematically challenging but I've found a niche that balances my nerdy and artsy tendencies and I am pretty grateful because I ended up here by a divine combination of luck and desire.

Once again I'm mentioning work. Hmmm! It's not like there is nothing else going on... Nat and I are going to Vegas for thanksgiving weekend. It's not wholesome but it'll be oh so much fun. We're going to see the Cirque De Soleil Beatles show titled Love. The next weekend is the work holiday party, which is coincidentally steps away from where I live and also has a casino theme. There I am, back at work.

That's it for tonight, Nat is walking in the door and I have to turn around now. chacha!

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