Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Just Curry It!

That's right! Food porn is back! This is Thai red curry chicken. The reason why it's not plated is because, well, the rice it went on ended up like hummus and it wasn't very pleasant to look at. But the chicken looks good, doesn't it? :)

Anyway, so I haven't posted all during Tal's visit, and it would be impossible to sum up the last ~2 weeks in a single blog post. We had a blast, we squabbled like an old married couple. We also had crazy adventures that I won't write about even in the most brief form due to the internet's long memory and my desire to be president one day. It was great to have a guest and whoever's coming next will have a lot of fun'in to live up to.

Work is work. I'm doing great, they are thrilled with what I'm producing. I might have to do some overtime before the end of the month as we struggle to meet a crucial deadline. But there are plenty of laughs to be had around the office and only the occassional group discussions about which programming language is best. Yawn.

I just looked over to see if my dishes have washed themselve yet. Damn.

On Monday I went grocery shopping at Trader Joe's for the first time. It was effin' scary! Everyone there is so much cooler than me, I was rushing through all the isles to avoid being in anyone's way as I sheepishly tried to decide between 10 different varieties of trail mix. I went with: coconut, cashews, chocolate, and almonds. It's a tasty mix and doesn't have anything queer like raisins. I'm looking at you, Marchese! I think you had trail mix with raisins once, but were barely redeemed by the presence of m&m's. This store seems more catered to the snobby types who can't cook but want good food. It's all about the prepared stuff here. I'm probably going to stick to Ralph's for the most part, at least there I can get some fresh fru&veg. Maybe the TJ's I went to was an especially small one or something.

Speaking of The Boss, the bar nearby is playing Thunder Road. Who says L.A. has no soul? Thanks to Talido, I now know of at least two cool bars that aren't too pretentious and bring back that old dance cave vibe.

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