Well, that's it! 3 weeks of detoxy goodness. I didn't stick to it 100%, nor did I get as much excercise as I should have. But it was still a success in my mind because I'm not eating whole meals that contain nothing but starch and meat anymore.
So overall, I would definitely recommend giving this program a try, especially if you're like me and tend to not eat enough veggies. Most of the book is useless in my eyes because it's a lot of filler, talking about different types of bottled water and so on. As I've mentioned before, I think most of the detox supplements are superfluous at best, and actively harmful at worst. I would highly recommend doing research and consulting a doctor prior to taking anything other than a multivitamin.
There are other aspects of the detox cult that I have never bothered to discuss. One of these is the colon cleanse, which you're supposed to do every so often. Not interested, thanks. If I want to cleanse my bowels I'll do it the natural way, by watching Oprah talk about The Secret for 5 minutes.
I've lost an average of 2 pounds a week, which is a pretty healthy rate. I expect to keep it up until I hit about 170.
So that's it, if you've been reading along as I did this program, many thanks for keeping up. We will now return to our regularly scheduled program of whining about my personal life and pictures of delicious food.
End Weight: 179 lbs
Composition: Leafy Green