Friday, April 06, 2007

Joshi Detox: Day 2

Yesterday's eating went pretty much according to plan. I only strayed by eating one piece of matza with hummus. Hummus is okay, matza is technically not.

I also went grocery shopping to pick up a variety of things that the detox demands. Other than the obvious (tons of veggies), I got plain yogurt, rice milk, green tea, frozen mahi mahi fillets, sunflower seeds, wasabi crunchy peas, brown rice, and grapefruit juice. The juice is a required ingredient of a liver detox drink that the book recommends you drink once every week in order to aid the process. More on that tomorrow, when I actually make this drink.

For breakfast, I had hot water with lemon and yogurt mixed with some honey and banana. The hot water with lemon I'm supposed to drink every morning, so that will be assumed from now on and I won't bother mentioning it. The yogurt, what can I say? Plain yogurt almost makes me yak. But the bananas made it more palatable.

Yesterday I also researched sprouting. Sprouting is the practice of growing your own alfalfa and other sprouts at home. There are trays you can buy that grow a batch of sprouts in 3 days and there is no soil involved, all you have to do is change the water every day and you have a steady supply of very nutritious sprouts. It's very cheap, too. The growing trays vary in price from $15 to $150. I might get one towards the end of the detox if I really feel that I'll use it consistently. A large supply of seeds is about $7, so considering that a box of alfalfa sprouts at whole foods will set you back about $4, it ends up being worth it if you consume a lot of sprouts. They are tasty on salads, so we'll see. These trays are also used for growing wheatgrass, which has mythical restorative powers. You don't even need to eat wheatgrass, just being in the same room will bestow you with health and vitality. Just kidding, you pretty much have to eat it to look pretty, toots.

Today's food plan:
Yogurt with honey and banana for breakfast, salad for lunch, grilled chicken breast with steamed veggies for dinner.
Water and Green Tea to drink.

Things I miss:

Song of the day:
Kiss - Prince (will perform the shit out of it at kareoke tomorrow night)

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